Furniture Production for leading brands in europe
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Browse our network of specialized furniture manufacturers in the Baltics
Become our partner
Gauya Furniture collaborates with furniture brands, architectural studios, real estate developers, and the hospitality industry in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. We welcome partnerships worldwide.
How it works?
Contact us
1. Contact us
The best way to get started is to use the contact form on our website or send us an email describing your needs and preferences.
Intro meeting
2. Intro meeting
After a few emails back and forth, we set up our first video call to get to know each other better.
3. Pricing
To determine if our collaboration is mutually beneficial, we provide transparent pricing for our services.
4. Samples
Once we’ve agreed on pricing, we’ll send you material samples so you can experience the quality firsthand.
Test order
5. Test order
To ensure our communication and project management approach meets your needs, we start with a test order.
6. Production
Once both parties are satisfied with the process, we move forward with full-scale production.